Website Traffic

How to increase traffic to your website?

Your website is operational and you are enthusiastic about your first visits?

It’s a great thing, but watch out; Whether your business is based on a physical business or online, the nerve of war remains the passage, in other words, the visits!

Determining the attractiveness of your site to your prospects, the traffic of your website is an essential point not to say vital for your business.

Beyond the quantitative aspect, an analysis worthy of the name will help you to understand the preferences of your visitors and their behavior once they arrive on your site, and this is the goal: to understand the expectations of your customers. future customers to direct them to your sales page of products or services …

1. Measure the traffic of your website

Everything starts there! Be aware that the number of visits and the time spent on each page by users are key indicators measuring the interest of your content. It’s up to you to pilot the creation to offer a rewarding experience to each of your prospects.

In parallel with the time spent, it is also interesting to analyze the course of your visitors.

This factor will measure the responsiveness of the latter vis-a-vis the features of your site and in particular your products. If your visitors bounce from one page to another or if they leave your site after a few seconds, there will be some basic actions to take.

Also consider the origin of your traffic. Direct URL, partner site, search engines, Facebook page, Google Ads campaigns …

2. Work your SEO

Without SEO strategy, no salvation!

To be visible, you will have to activate the SEO lever. On the internet as elsewhere, the competition with your colleagues is permanent, the result of all this? Countless web pages and the need to stand out to capture the attention of your prospects.

Work your keywords well, study your personas to capture only useful traffic.

On this subject, we invite you to combine generalist keywords with more specific, even geographical keywords in the context of a physical point of sale.

A good practice is also to mix SEO, natural SEO, with the pay SEA (purchase of keywords via Google Ads). Well used, this technique triggers a particularly effective snowball effect when launching a site, products or when there is strong competition between service providers in the same sector.

3. Opt for a clear editorial line

When designing your site, or at least enriching it, take the time to optimize your content and organization with an SEO vision.

All the challenge lies, you will understand, in the production of content that meets the expectations of your targets, and in connection with the challenges of your sector to reach as many qualified Internet users as possible.

Think Semantic Web and no longer simple isolated keywords! Create real pages of ‘foundation’ on a relatively broad topic and address each topic via different articles answering a specific problem. Insert links to these pages and of course play with the tags and the lexical field of your semantic web.

And if you are wondering how to create this famous semantic web, go to the side of your prospects. What questions do you think they have? From this listing, design your editorial line and forward for the creation of a semantic web generating traffic with high added value!

4. Offer relevant content and target your prospects

Your site may be the most elegant in the world, users will come regularly only if they have an attraction for its content.

Constituting an ideal tool for the creation of articles, the blog will allow you, during your publications, to retain your audience through the writing of thematic articles in connection with the problems encountered every day by your targets.

By doing so, you will position yourself as an expert in your field while enhancing your content through further referencing each day. Providing content is therefore ultimately a winning strategy, so go ahead!

In the same way, to convert your visitors into leads, start by targeting those that interest you and only those.

Your database will have to be segmented and updated constantly, not only to inform your subscribers of the production of a new article via a newsletter for example but also to efficiently carry out all your web marketing campaigns.

From your personas or robot portraits of your prospects, conduct your campaigns and adjust the formats according to the returns. Tone, visual, each content should always be personalized according to your targets and redirect to a specific page of your website.

The last point regarding the targets, although it is essential to focus on so-called hot targets, never neglect cold prospects.

Your web traffic is indeed the alliance of contacts ready to buy, but also curious that should be captured and integrated into your funnel. It is therefore essential to bring back your cold visitors, especially B2B, via targeted and regular web marketing campaigns.

We will quote for example the famous newsletters, but also the marketing automation or the retargeting.

5. Create links

Despite all your efforts, you find that your site does not take off? And if you get closer to other sites whose themes are similar to yours, without being in direct competition?

Named backlinks, these links with partner sites will boost your visibility for sure. Search engines are particularly fond of this type of operation.

You also have the opportunity to play with links to articles on sites, and of course to promote your content by offering your article as a guest.

Following this logic, if your contents are regular and value-added, they will be considered by the web community, and therefore also by search engine algorithms as real resources.

Sites could even integrate them into their content – however, make sure there is no duplicate content – in fact, value your word and therefore your site.

6. Think social networks

Although SEO, especially natural remains the palm to grow your traffic and especially to establish its authority over time, it is a process that usually takes several months. 

Fortunately, there is a second very efficient lever to activate in parallel all the work explained upstream. We are talking about social networks!

In fact, contrary to conventional wisdom, your targets will necessarily go there at one time or another for personal or professional reasons, and this is where it is necessary to capture them and guide them in their reflection process.

Promotion of blog articles, but also download of white papers, webinars, vary the formats and be present in a regular but relevant way.

Small downside, however, as search engines, social networks algorithms value content that brings added value and sources of interaction – likes, comments, sharing – so be inventive and dare to solicit users in your posts by concluding for example by a small question.

More generally, on social networks, it will be necessary for you to be relevant, to carry out a true social media strategy.

By deploying a Social Selling policy in your company on a daily basis, but also by using advocacy, you will encourage your employees to invest in the digital world by publishing content, but also by relaying their content to your accounts. different productions.

As such, you can for example when launching this strategy, organize a small contest to gather the troops and motivate each of your collaborators to play the game.

From the writing of the first line of your site to the deployment of a social media strategy, the levers are numerous to enhance the visibility of your website. A key success factor, traffic is as vital as the passage of onlookers for a restaurant. Maximize your chances of success by combining the different techniques and making sure to convert your visitors. Because we sometimes forget, if it is very nice and rewarding to have a large number of visitors, only the conversion can generate revenue.

7. Email Marketing

The sending of newsletters has always had an important role in marketing and commercial communication. Marketers have always used the fact that information sharing was a key element in building a relationship with carefully selected target audiences.

The power of Internet technology has opened doors to the world of digital communication. Staying in touch with your customer has never been so easy and fast. But having a powerful and tested strategy does not guarantee success if you do not have the proper professional emailing marketers.

8. Remarketing

Remarketing is a very powerful targeting tool that can expand your audience and encourage your prospects to buy your products.

Remarketing re-boosts, the traffic to your site and your visibility on the Net, ultimately encouraging prospects to buy your products and / or services.

It can become a strategic component for your advertising campaigns by boosting your return on investment.

9. Returning Visitors

Let’s start with the base. Assume that you will never have a second visit by making amateur mistakes. Check if the design of your website is modern and attractive. The visitor will get his first idea immediately, even if you have good content, but your site does not please the eye is already lost.

Make sure your design is not only attractive, but also user-friendly. Your visitor must feel guided towards the information, do not hesitate to put them forward. In addition, your site must be fast loading, people do not like to wait!

So check whether your site is running at a good speed so that visitors do not run away and be careful that your site plan is not too complicated.

